‘You’re invited to this…it’s for all ages” Listen in here: micPodcast

Welcome All
Reindeer Cover
2023 Gallery
Again this November in Magnolia Point, the chop saw will shriek, the drills wail, and axes will chop a beat at the Annual ‘Rock the Reindeer’ in the driveway of Jola and Albert Greiner! Please join this wonderful neighborhood event on Saturday, November 16th at 10:00 a.m. at 1678 Colonial Drive.  ALL AGES WELCOME!  Promising a fun time and a memory that you will be able to share with your family and neighbors.

Here’s where it all began:

Reindeer Rock 2022

This video explains the basic process; our reindeers are a bit bigger, but the procedure is pretty much the same:


What do I need to know? How can I help? What skills do I need?

Basically, if you can hang a picture, you’re qualified. The folks who show up to help have a variety of skills and tools, and there’s always something to be done! If you’re a moderate or highly-skilled handyperson, even better. For each of the steps it takes to bring a ‘Rockin’ Reindeer’ into the world, we’ll have someone who takes the lead. These steps include:

Collecting/grading materials, that is, logs and branches, by size and shape. 

Cutting logs and branches to size. 

Drilling the ‘sockets’ in the body for the legs & neck. 

Final assembly, that is, fitting the legs, head and antlers, the bows & noses! 

Delivery of the reindeer throughout the neighborhood.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: SAFETY! If you’re unsure about any procedure, ask. And, be sure to bring eye and ear protection! And gloves!


Or, contact Patricia Nisley: pknisley@me.com

In the wild




15 + 5 =

Want more? Here’s a ‘Magnolia Tale’, the story of the ‘Rockin’ Reindeer’: here