‘Faces & Names’ features our neighbors, two households each month. You and yours can be featured, too! The only requirement is that you live in Magnolia Point, and can handle the questions!
Mary Bates (pdf) 101 Years Young!
Marcia & Bill Blackwell (pdf)
Susan & Gene Callahan (pdf)
Norma & Joe Chao (pdf)
Sarah & Corey Clark (pdf)
Valarie & Mike Collins (pdf)
Barb & John Coker (pdf)
Chris & Daria Dayton (pdf)
Raquel & Peter Dutton (pdf)
Melanie & Ken Dean (pdf)
Nancy & Kevin Floyd (pdf)
Suzanne Foster (pdf)
Brenda & Tony Frey (pdf)
Cristina & Christian Garcia (pdf)
Laurie & Clayton Golden (pdf)
Jola & Albert Greiner (pdf)
Donna & Chuck Habing (pdf)
Shirley & Ben Hairston (pdf)
Becky Hinson (pdf)
Heather & Marshall Johnson (pdf)
Cheryl & Steve Kennedy (pdf)
Sandy & Norm Magyar (pdf)
Bobbe Marion (pdf)
Monty & Sharon Murphy (pdf)
Maggie & Paul Murad (pdf)
Juana & Larry Napper (pdf)
Lynn & Ron Powers (pdf)
Missy & Mike Reeves (pdf)
Phyllis & Charlie Skarbrevik (pdf)
Lee & Bill Smith (pdf)
Cheryl & Noel Starnes (pdf)
Dyana & David Treffinger (pdf)
Nancy Webb (pdf)
Kathie & Keith Wilkes (pdf)
Becky & Steve Williams (pdf)
Marsha Zupan (pdf)